Have you struggled with your self-care routine?

Women especially tend to take care of others and they neglect themselves especially in the holiday season, so let’s change that scenario. I love to give you practical tips to help you be your best and have a sharp brain-soul connection.

First, self-care is not selfish but an important part of showing up for YOU and nurturing yourself in a way that honors your needs. When your “cup is full” then you can give to others. How you think about and approach your “to do for yourself” list will make all the difference.

Time for a REFRAME.  

Say, “ I am flowing with taking care of me by ________ because I am worth it”  Fill in the blank.   

Self- care does not need to take extra time or be difficult, it really is an attitude of gratitude and loving yourself. Don’t wait till you are sooo….. tired and experience burn out before you learn HOW to take care of you. I have been there, done that and I bet many of you have as well.

Here are some quick tips that incorporate the secrets from our BRAIN System 

  1. Create a morning and bedtime routine ( Mind Gems, meditation, journaling)
  2. Eat healthy organic foods (cook in batches and freeze soups and stews)
  3. Drink ½ weight in ounces of water.
  4. Prioritize sleep ( your brain recharges at night)
  5. Rest when your body needs it.
  6. Exercise 20 minutes 4 days a week
  7. Celebrate the little victories
  8. Get comfortable saying “no.”
  9. Create to do lists and organize these- home, career, fun activities
  10. Plan vacation takes and take mental health days

Other fun ideas to inspire you. These may seem obvious and you may need to put them, on your calendar to make them happen. A wise mentor said to me, “ You can design your calendar and design your life.”

Do spend time with friends – socialize

Dance, sing, meditate, yoga, spend time in nature, travel to a new place.

Do Learn Something new or create –learn a new language, make a new meal, art, paint, garden, write, etc.


Self-Reflection can help nourish your self-care routine. Here are a few questions to answer in your journal:  

  1. What self-care activities bring me joy?
  2. What self-care activities give me peace?
  3. What self-care activities help me recharge?
  4. What activities can I do for at least 5 minutes in the morning, afternoon and evening that nourish me and my soul?

There are many ways to do self-care that does not cost money. Prioritize your routine to avoid burn out and “ fill you up.”

I go outside on my front lawn in the morning and raise my hands to the heavens and say my daily intention and integrate it. This takes 3 minutes and fills my cup.
What can you create for your morning routine?

I would love to hear what you come up with. Hit reply and share with me.

Stay tuned for more on self-care, being your most beautiful self as we leap into 2023.  Our Beautiful Amazing You Program starts in January.  

I love you.