Mind Gems

Balance your Whole Brain in Less Than 5 Minutes!

Mind Gems is a set of hand held positions that you can do in less than 5 minutes to literally change your focus and balance!

Mind Gems balances the twelve brain rings in the energy field. This is the part of brain balancing that is missed in other programs.

Download these now and give them a try for the next 21 days!  You will...

  • Increase your focus and memory.
  • Improve your balance and aligned you energy.
  • Get grounded and sleep better.

Download MindGems: For Instant Brain Clarity, Focus & Grounding!

We will send the worksheet and an instructional video via email.

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Clients say:

  • I get more done and feel balanced when I do Mind Gems!
  • I feel centered and sleep better when I do Mind Gems.
  • I am more focused and getting better grades in school.
  • My headache went away after doing these 12 little exercises- amazing!
  • Can the Mind Gems improve hearing? I had Meniere’s disease and I can hear better now.

So simple and powerful! Download these now and give them a try for the next 21 days! Please let us know your results!

About Dr. Louise Swartswalter

Dr. Louise Swartswalter, Beautiful, Balanced Brain Expert,is a naturopathic doctor, certified biofeedback specialist, and the founder/owner of the Albuquerque Natural Health Center(ANHC). For over three decades she has specialized in healing and balancing the human brain through her signature B.R.A.I.N. System, the most comprehensive healing system for the brain, body, soul and life.

Through ANHC Louise has had the opportunity to work with thousands  of individuals seeking help with health issues including ADHD, allergies, autoimmune and thyroid imbalances, digestive disorders, as well as those looking for career and relationship success.

Louise has helped more than 45,000 people and their families during her many years of practice. She has discovered that to be healthy, vibrant and successful in your life or business your brain must be in balance, including the neurotransmitters, chemicals and hormones.

She also found, that in order to be physically healthy, you must address the patient’s emotional and spiritual bodies. Through addressing these issues and more with the B.R.A.I.N. System, Louise’s patients get healthier physically. In addition, they also feel more balanced, empowered, vibrant and positive. Their stress melts away and they are able to accomplish more!

Dr. Louise says , "We are whole people and when you address all the parts (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) all at the same time is when you get the fastest and best result. Results COUNT!


Office: 4550 Eubank Blvd NE, Ste. D205
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87111

Office Phone: (505) 797-0540

Email: info@louiseswartswalter.com